Licences for Training Providers
Do you want to empower and inspire people to reach their full potential?
A licence in The Marketing Performance Framework® is an exciting new way to develop people, expand your portfolio and differentiate your offering from those around you.
Research tells us that people in teams are much more productive when they can see the impact of their work, when they have tools to overcome challenges, when they can connect to others and align their tasks to vision and purpose.
This is what The Marketing Performance Framework® does.
Imagine if you could offer delegates a clear visual which can be used to define not only what marketing is, but exactly how people in departments from sales to operations contribute.
How would you feel seeing your delegates empowered to build a marketing plan, improve communication and collaboration, measure ROI and drive the success of the business?

What's on offer?
Add a range of ready-made training modules to your portfolio which build an outcome-based marketing strategy. This gives delegates not only a way to plan, but to engage, excite and empower a team. Delegates feel inspired, motivated and on track to reach their goals.
We supply you with all the materials you need, including train-the-trainer and ongoing support from us.
This unique opportunity includes use of planning technology, so that you can add value and impact on a long-term basis. Delegates can align training and ongoing mentoring and support directly to their day-to-day roles and tasks.
Empowering individuals within our community.
Striving for excellence and continuous improvement.
Fueled by enthusiasm and unwavering commitment.
Guided by clarity, vision, and meaningful impact.