Corporate Partners
Discover how The Marketing Performance Framework® is supporting a range of organisations in their business operations, marketing and sales process.
Dale Care Limited
Committed to providing high quality care and support services across the North East of England, Dale Care is part of the global Clece Group. A spokesperson for Dale Care said: "We are delighted to endorse The Marketing Performance Framework®. We have found it incredibly supportive, particularly when it comes to recruitment and team development."
Option 3 Logic Ltd
Option 3 Logic offers business consultancy and coaching to SMEs. Managing Director, Neil Henry said: "I'm delighted to be a corporate partner of PFS. In these challenging times for SMEs having a good understanding of marketing and how it can work within your business is vital to help stability, growth and profits. The Marketing Performance Framework® allows an understanding of marketing strategy and how to best use marketing to promote your products either in house or via an agency."